City Council Meeting Agenda - April 11, 2023
Regular meeting of the South Daytona City Council, Tuesday, April 11, 2023, at 6:00 pm in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 1672 South Ridgewood Avenue, South Daytona, Florida.
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Invocation
- City Manager Report
- South Daytona Community Trust $1,500 Academic Scholarship is now accepting applications. Submission Deadline is Friday, April 28, 2023.
- Sparkle Days will be from April 14 through April 24, 2023.
- Mother's Day Tea Party set for April 29th from 11am-1pm. Join us for an afternoon high tea to celebrate the special moms, friends, aunts, grandmas & mother figures in your life.
- National Prescription Medicine Drop-off Day at the Police Department will be held on Saturday, April 22, 2023 from 10:00am until 2:00pm.
- The Fire Department achieved an Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating of 2 which is the highest rating that can be achieved for a department of our size. Insurance companies use this score to set rates for the upcoming year.
- Fire Chief Dave Giles has decided to retire after 30 years of service.
- A grant agreement for Hurricane Ian was received from Florida Division of Emergency Management for hurricane response and recovery as well as some mitigation measures.
- City Attorney Report
B. PROCLAMATION: April 9th through 15th as Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
C. SWEARING IN FIRE CHIEF BRANT: Swearing in ceremony for Fire Chief John Brant
Those matters included under the consent agenda are self-explanatory and not expected to require discussion for approval. Items will be enacted by one motion. If discussion is desired by any member of the City Council, that item must be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately. (Read by Mayor Hall)
- Consent Agenda Approval
- Approval of minutes: March 14, 2023, City Council Meeting.
- Consideration of awarding the Tree Trimming and Removal Services (Bid No. 23-B-006) to Duval Landscape Maintenance LLC and T&K Enterprises of Volusia County, Inc on an as needed basis within budgeted allocations per fiscal year.
- Consideration of awarding Contracted Mowing and Landscaping Services (Bid No. 23-B-007) to MAWS Mowing LLC and Yellowstone Landscape Southeast LLC on an as needed basis within budgeted allocations per fiscal year.
- Consideration of awarding the HVAC Repair and Preventative Maintenance Services (Bid No. 23-B-009) to Jerry Brittingham A/C & Heat, Inc in the amount of $11,036 annually as budgeted in the current fiscal year.
- Consideration of awarding the Sewer Rehabilitation Services Bid (Bid No. 23-B-005) to American In-Line Inspection, Inc and Atlantic Pipe Services LLC for pipe lining to reduce groundwater infiltration and inflow into the sewer system.
- Consideration of approving an Addendum to the Agreement with the Volusia County Property Appraiser for the Utilization of the Uniform Method of Collection of Non-Ad Valorem Assessments.
- Consideration of awarding the Magnolia Park Playground project (Bid No. 23-B-008) to Rep Services in the amount of $226,154.05 as budgeted in the current fiscal year and funded by a 2022 Volusia County ECHO (Environmental, Cultural, Historical, or Outdoor Recreation) Grant.
- Resolution No. 2023-06. A Resolution of the City of South Daytona, Florida, approving the Wholesale Water, Wastewater, and Reuse Water Services Agreement with the City of Daytona Beach and authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute the Agreement; and providing for severability, conflicts and an effective date. First and only reading.
- Resolution No. 2023-07. A Resolution of the City of South Daytona, Florida; adopted pursuant to Chapter 5 (Building, Housing and Structural Regulations, Article X, Dangerous Structures) of the South Daytona Code of Ordinances, finding the structures located at 1930 S. Ridgewood Avenue, Lot 1, South Daytona, Florida are unsafe and unfit for human habitation and potentially injurious to the public health, welfare and safety of the community; authorizing the city to proceed with the demolition of said structures and liening the said property pursuant to the City’s Code of Ordinances; providing for severability, conflicts and an effective date. Public Hearing. First and only reading.
- Resolution No. 2023-08. A Resolution of the City of South Daytona, Florida, amending Resolution No. 2022-33, setting forth appropriation for current expenses and capital outlay for the following funds: General Fund, Recreational Development Impact Fee Trust Fund, Fire Impact Fee Trust Fund, Police System Impact Fee Trust Fund, Redevelopment Trust Fund, Transportation Fund, Transportation Impact Fee Trust Fund, Capital Projects Fund, Utility Service Fund, Water System Impact Fee Trust Fund and Wastewater Impact Fee Trust Fund, as required by the City of South Daytona, Florida, during and for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2022 and ending September 30, 2023; adopting the operating and capital budgets for the City of South Daytona; providing for severance; providing for conflicting resolutions; and providing an effective date. First and only reading.
- Ordinance No. 2023-05. An Ordinance of the City of South Daytona, Florida, amending the City of South Daytona Code of Ordinances, Chapter 3, Alcoholic Beverages, amending Section 3-1, Definitions, and Section 3-3, Proximity to church or school, to review the minimum distance requirements between the sale of alcoholic beverages, and churches or schools, and to add minimum distance requirement between the sale of alcoholic beverages and public parks; amending Section 3-5, Restaurants exempted from distance requirements, to clarify that restaurants with class SR or SRX licenses are exempt from the distance requirements of Chapter 3; and providing for administrative actions, codification, conflicts, severability and an effective date. First Reading. Public Hearing.
- Ordinance No. 2023-06. An Ordinance of the City of South Daytona, Florida, amending Chapter 10.5, Parks and Recreations, of the City of South Daytona, Code of Ordinances to add Section 10.5-19, allowing the City Council the option to designate the Planning and Appeals Board to perform the duties of the Parks, Recreation and ADA Advisory Board; providing for administrative actions, codification, conflicts, severability and an effective date. First Reading. Public Hearing.
- Ordinance No. 2023-07. An Ordinance of the City of South Daytona, Florida, amending the City of South Daytona Code of Ordinances, Chapter 20, Water and Sewer Service, Article IV. Sewers, creating Section 20-60, “Public Sanitary Sewer System Pretreatment”, of the City of Daytona Beach Land Development Code by reference, and to prohibit the introduction of industrial waste into the City of South Daytona sanitary sewer system; amending Chapter 20, Water and Sewer System; amending Chapter 20, Water and Sewer Service, to delete Article VII. Commercial and Industrial Wastes; and providing for administrative actions, codification, conflicts, severability and an effective date. First Reading. Public Hearing.
Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statues, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, the person will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purposes, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City does not prepare or provide a verbatim record of the proceedings.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statues, persons with a disability needing a special accommodation to participate in the meeting should contact the Deputy City Clerk’s Office no later than 72 hours prior to the proceedings. The Deputy City Clerk can be reached by mail at 1672 S. Ridgewood Avenue, South Daytona, Florida 32119 or by telephone at (386) 322-3011 or by email at