Bid for James Street Park Splash Pad Renovation

BID NO. 23-B-004

 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of South Daytona is soliciting bids for James Street Park Splash Pad Renovation, BID NO. 23-B-004.

 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The City is seeking a qualified and licensed contractor to furnish all labor, equipment and material required to Renovate the Splash Pad (Baseball Theme) at James Street Park (1700 James Street, South Daytona).  Work will include:

  • Provide and install concrete pad, including steel reinforcement and footers pursuant to applicable Code and requirements. Concrete area to include “ wet deck” area for a total concrete play area of approximately 1200 sq ft x 5 in thick
  • Installation of separate colors of concrete stain per plan
  • Retrofit elements to current holding tank and filtration system
  • Provide and install spray effects such as: water squirt cannons, triple dumping buckets, ground squirters, arching sprays, bubblers, etc. Play area should have a Sports / Baseball theme.
  • Renovation of Control Manifold and computer with (11) zones (Control manifold system is in a lockable kiosk for protection from people and elements)
  • Provide and install schedule 40 PVC pipe and fittings for connections from spray features to the water kiosk system. Plumbing to be supported and embedded appropriately as required
  • Bonding of all features and parts as required by current NEC
  • Plumbing and Electrical connections to kiosk to be made by licensed contractors
  • Functional testing, startup and training services
  • Demolition of existing area
  • On site construction activities, including all structural prep work, penetrations, embeds and anchors, concrete footer installation, bonding and water system installation / renovation as needed
  • Installation of spray features, appurtenances, and concrete decking color concrete stain included
  • Startup, testing and training of system operation and maintenance
  • A Baseball theme is preferred
  • Not to exceed $200,000

There will be a Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference for the project on Friday, February 24, 2023 at 10:00am at James Street Splash Pad, 1700 James Street, South Daytona, Florida.  All attendees to the Pre-Bid Conference must sign in. The representative of each  Vendor shall be an authorized employee of the Vendor and shall sign in accordingly.

Bids will be accepted in the City Manager’s Office, City Hall, located at 1672 S. Ridgewood Avenue, South Daytona, Florida, until 2:00 P.M. on Friday, March 24, 2023, at which time bids will be opened in the Council Chamber Room and publicly read aloud.  Bids received after the above time and date will be returned unopened.  All Bids will be evaluated to ensure they contain all required forms in order to deem the Bidder responsive or non-responsive.

Associated Documents

Pre-Bid Meeting - February 24, 2023
Selection Committee Meeting Minutes