
Knox BoxThe South Daytona Fire Department participates in the RESIDENTIAL Knox Box program that is designed to allow fire department personnel access into locked residences during times of emergencies. A Knox Box is a small metal box that allows access only by the fire department through a special issued key. This key is kept secured on the fire truck. Inside this Knox Box, the homeowner places a house key for the fire department to access.

Whenever a homeowner has fallen or experiences any issue that prevents them from unlocking their door, the Knox Box allows quick entry without doing damage to doors or windows.

The fire department has a limited quantity of these residential Knox Boxes on hand. These boxes are for residents that have medical issues that might prevent them from unlocking their door after 9-1-1 is called. The fire department will loan these boxes to our residents without any costs. We only ask for an information sheet to be completed which includes a copy of their ID and for the resident to agree to return the box when no longer needed. Currently in South Daytona, there are over 30 residents that participate in the program. Once installed at the residence, our fire department will notify our dispatch center to put in a special note reminding the responding Fire units, ambulances and law enforcement the location of the box if any calls are received from that address.


The South Daytona Fire Department participates in the Knox Box program that is designed to allow fire department personnel accessed into locked businesses during times of emergencies. The system requires the owners of businesses to purchase a Knox Box – a small metal box that allows access only by the fire department through a special issued key. This key is kept secured on the fire truck. In times of a fire alarm sounding or an issue with the sprinkler system, the fire personnel can make access into the building to investigate the problem. This allows quick entry without doing damage to doors or windows. Currently in South Daytona, there are over 25 businesses and 2 schools that participate in the program.

If a business is interested, they can go to a link on the City of South Daytona’s web site and obtain more information on the types of boxes and costs. Once purchased and installed by the owner, the fire department will come out and put the keys in the box and lock it. The fire department will notify our dispatch center to put in a special note reminding the responding fire units the location of the box if any calls are received from that address. We appreciate your consideration and participation in this valuable program.