Regular meeting of the South Daytona City Council, Tuesday, May 11, 2021 immediately following the 6:00pm City of South Daytona Community Trust Board Meeting in
the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 1672 South Ridgewood Avenue, South Daytona, Florida.

    1. Call to Order
    2. Roll Call
    3. Pledge of Allegiance
    4. Invocation
    5. City Manager Report
      1. Recap of Mother’s Day Tea event held on May 1st
      2. National Police Week May 9th – 15th
      3. 1854 James Street Surplus Property Bid Opening is May 18th at 2pm
      4. Harry Potter Movie Night on June 4th at Reed Canal Park with activities
              starting at 6:30pm and movie beginning at 8pm
      5. South Daytona Summer Camp – June 7 thru August 13 – Grades 1st-5th
      6. Father’s Day Kickball and BBQ Event – June 12th from 11am to 1pm
      7. Paving of Magnolia Avenue and Steele Avenue
      8. Survey work has started on FDOT SunTrail project

    6. City Attorney Report


    Those matters included under the consent agenda are self-explanatory and not expected to require discussion for approval. Items will be enacted by one motion. If discussion is desired by any member of the City Council, that item must be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately. (Read by Mayor Hall)

    1. Consent Agenda Approval

    2. Approval of minutes:  City Council Meeting – April 13, 2021

    3. Resolution 2021-12 A Resolution of the City of South Daytona, Volusia County, Florida adopting the "2020 Volusia Multi-Jurisdictional Program for Public Information" plan as part of the National Flood Insurance Program Community Rating System creditable activities to further reduce insurance premiums to residents in special flood hazard areas; providing for severability; and providing an effective date. First and only reading.

    4. Consideration of approving Volusia County’s plan to disburse Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Funds they acquired to programs provided by SMA Healthcare and The House Next Door.


    1. Resolution No. 2021-14 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of South Daytona, Florida authorizing the Mayor to execute any State of Florida Agreements and Documents for Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds; and providing for an effective date. First and only reading.

    2. Resolution No. 2021-13 A resolution of the City of South Daytona, Florida,   amending Resolution No. 2020-38, setting  forth appropriation for current  expenses and capital outlay for the following funds: General Fund, Parks Improvement Fund, Redevelopment Trust Fund,  Transportation Fund, Capital Projects Fund, and Utility Service Fund, as required by the City of South Daytona,  Florida,  during and for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2020 and ending September 30, 2021; adopting the operating and capital budgets for the City of South Daytona; providing for severance; providing for conflicting  ordinances; and providing an effective date. First and only reading.

    3. Resolution No. 2021-11 A resolution approving an interlocal agreement renewal for the distribution of proceeds from the Local Option Fuel Tax; providing for conflicting resolutions; providing for severability and providing an effective date. First and only reading.

    4. Ordinance No. 2021-04 An ordinance of the City Council of the City of South Daytona, Florida, approving the second amendment to the Master Development Agreement approved by Ordinance No. 04-25 dated September 13, 2004 and the first amendment approved by Ordinance No. 15-03 dated February 24, 2015 for the property located at tax parcels 5344-07-00-0020, 5334-07-00-0021, 5334-07-00-0022, 5334-07-00-0024, 5334-07-00-0026 and 5334-07-00-0028; amending the permitted uses from assisted living facility to luxury multi-family apartments, marina, restaurant and related accessory uses; providing for severability; providing for conflicting ordinances; and providing an effective date.  Public Hearing.  Second Reading.  Passed First Hearing 04/13/2021.

    5. Ordinance No. 2021-07 An Ordinance of the City of South Daytona, Florida, amending the City of South Daytona Land Development Regulations to clarify regulations related to recreational vehicle storage; amending sections 5.5 to provide that recreational vehicle storage in the Business Heavy Commercial District and the Light Industrial District shall be a special exceptions rather than a permitted use; amending section 5.7 to clarify special exception criteria for RV and boat storage, parking and rental; providing for conflicts, severability, applicability, and an effective date. Recommended by Planning and Appeals Board 4/21/2021. Public Hearing.  First Reading.

    6. Ordinance No. 2021-08 An ordinance of the City Council of the City of South Daytona, Florida, amending the City of South Daytona Code of Ordinances to include a new Article II in Chapter 3.5 (Amusements and Entertainments) to be entitled Simulated Gambling; providing for Sections 3.5-125 to 131 containing definitions, area of enforcement, intent, prohibition of simulated gambling devices, affirmative defenses, exceptions, conflict with state law, enforcement, penalties; providing for conflicting provisions, severability and applicability; and providing for an effective date. Recommended by Planning and Appeals Board 4/21/2021.  Public Hearing.  First Reading.



Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, the person will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purposes, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.  The City does not prepare or provide a verbatim record of the proceedings.

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with a disability needing a special accommodation to participate in the meeting should contact the Deputy City Clerk's Office no later than 72 hours prior to the proceedings.  The Deputy City Clerk can be reached by mail at 1672 South Ridgewood Avenue, South Daytona, Florida 32119 or by telephone at (386) 322-3011 or by email at