Variance Procedure

  1. Meet with the Community Development Department (CDD)
    1. Contact the Community Development Department for a pre-application meeting: Telephone: (386) 322-3022 or E-mail at
  2. CDD provides recommendations to applicant prior to application
  3. Submit variance application
    1. Completed application
    2. Required fee
    3. Proof of ownership
    4. Letter of authorization if not the property owner
    5. Property survey (not older than 5 years)
    6. Plot plan showing variance request
    7. Statements/letters of no objections from abutting property owners
    8. See Planning & Appeals Board
    9. Approved applications have a 30-day appeal period
  4. Staff prepares report to Planning & Appeals Board
    1. Site visit to document with pictures
  5. Planning & Appeals Board meets to discuss
    1. Advertising
    2. City staff Responsibility:
      1. 14 days prior to the PAB meeting:
        1. Legal advertisement
        2. Abutter letter to abutting properties
        3. Site posting (one per frontage)

If approved

  1. Board order prepared and signed (30-day appeal period from date of PAB hearing date)
  2. Obtain building permit
    1. No building permit shall be issued until 30 day appeals period expires
    2. Permit review of plans can occur during appeals period
    3. Building permit must be issued within one year of PAB decision or variance expires
  3. Board order recorded by City Clerk’s office

If Denied

  1. Reconsideration (same meeting) - PAB Rules of Procedures
  2. Rehearing – see PAB Rules of Procedures
  3. Appeal to Circuit Court